However, railroads with electrical lines over them won't. No maintenance on railroads - Normally, railroads will deteriorate unless transport has 100% funding.The theme of the Factory is Pirates, which was composed by Roblox.SimCity snapshot of roads with electrical lines not breaking down.The Ice stun move will just cover the whole Core. Ice's moves can sometimes freeze the Core too.Dough's X move can be used on the Core, when this happens, the Dough lasso will become massive, so big that it may lag some people.Make sure to think about this when preparing. Marines are auto-allied with each other, but cannot ally with Pirates.Magma V2 and Venom are recommended due to high tick damage to both the factory and unallied players.If there are players who don't want to ally you and you don't want to lose bounty or die, get a skill that does AoE, like Control's V move or Quake's C and V skills.Get a big group of people if you're weak, preferably a crew so you will win and the guy who dealt the most can give it to you if they want.This is a great move to attack the people that are not allied or the other team in the Core of the factory, encouraging them to either ally or run away if they do not wish to lose Bounty / Honor or discouraging them from dealing enough damage to get the random fruit, while also damaging the Core.

Get a long range AoE Fruit, for example, Light's V move.Try staying far away from the Core if a lot of people that are not allied are there.If someone does not ally and starts attacking you, just say "please, stop", or if you are good at PvP then kill them while the Factory force field is active.Ally everyone or get killed by someone in beforehand for the PvP shield if you don't want to die.drops, as well as a 20% chance to get the Acidum Rifle. All players that did at least 10% damage to the Core will also get and Exp.The player that dealt the most damage will be awarded a random Blox Fruit. If the Core is destroyed, the message "101 FACTorY MALffffUNCtion.Anyone still inside the factory will die slowly from poison. ALL STAFF RETURN TO WORK IMMEDIATELY." will appear in the same places. If the Core is not destroyed within 5 minutes, the message "ALERT: FACTORY POISON CONTROL ACTIVATED.During this time, stop trying to damage the Core, as the shield cannot be "broken". Occassionally, the Core will activate a blue shield that blocks all damage. The door will open, and the players will have to defeat the Core within the 5 minute time limit.POISON CONTROL ACTIVATING IN 5 MINUTES." will appear in the same places. 30 seconds after that, the message "THE FACTORY HAS BEEN BREACHED.

When the raid is about to start, the message "We are breaching the factory in 30 seconds!" will appear in the chat, as well as on the top of the player's screen.After, the player who did the most damage to the Core will be awarded a random Blox Fruit, similar to the Cousin.

The player, as well as any other players, must get the Core to 0 health in 5 minutes to complete the raid. The Factory raid consists of a Core, with 500,000 health. Once every 1 hour and 30 minutes since the last Factory raid ended, another one will start. It opens every 1 hour and 30 minutes, and automatically shuts down in 5 minutes if not defeated when opened. The Factory is a large facility located in the Kingdom of Rose ( Second Sea) North-East of The Cafe capable of producing Blox Fruits.